Tuesday, January 30, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey Jan. 30th

Today's reading is from Leviticus 16-20

Leviticus 19

You are to be holy (set apart).

It has always been God’s plan to have a people set apart for himself. We see it here and in the New Testament. This isn’t a new concept to God.

God’s method here was tied to not just moral guidelines but to a way of living which caused the people of Israel to stand apart from the world around them. This difference has caused much persecution and division.  The children of Israel didn’t always follow the moral guidelines or the rest but the combination keeps them separated from the world so God could prepare a people for what was to come, life with Jesus.

Jesus warned his followers that the life he offered would bring troubles and persecution. However, those that are different have always faced this.

In today’s world, much has been done to remove prejudice, but the idea that someone has something someone else doesn’t is seen an attitude of prejudice and therefore acceptable to be prejudice against. I could go on but I don’t think I need to.

What I want to point out is that whether it is popular or not God’s people were always to be holy, thus different from the rest of the world. It doesn’t make us better (although we should begin to act better), it just makes us right with God.

It’s something to think about as you read the rest of Leviticus.

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