Monday, September 25, 2023

All Things?

Once a pastor was visiting his sister’s family when a bad snowstorm stuck. For days they were stranded until finally they all showed signs of hypothermia and the two youngest children went to sleep for the last time. The father was in denial of their situation and tried to look on the bright side and ignore the looming truth. The eldest son had a mental breakdown and sat rocking back and forth muttering the Lord’s Prayer under his breath and completely disconnected from reality. The mother and the pastor then got into a debate, the pastor said that, in the long run, no matter what happened to them it would be a good thing because God works everything together for good. The mother disagreed arguing that the deaths of three children could never be good and even if God had a plan, they were to suffer a cruel fate.

When they arrived at the kingdom of Heaven the two little children were greeted by God first, their innocence and purity shining like stars and they laughed and ran off to play. God greeted the elder brother next, taking away the anxiety that had plagued him since birth and revealing the brave young man he had always been. Next, God greeted the father, who wept and God whipped his tears away and showed him how he had lived the life of a righteous man who never stopped having hope. The pastor was next and he fell before God, knowing all his unworthiness and all those whom his ministry hadn’t reached, but in his love, God showed him all the souls that he had saved through his lifetime of service and all those who would yet still join them in paradise due to his efforts.

Lastly, the mother stood all alone having seen her family enter. “Why am I here?” She asked, “When push came to shove, I doubted You. I doubted in Your plan, and I doubted in how You make all things good.”

“Beloved,” God replied, “My own Son, who I love, doubted that I was with Him on the cross. You asked how the deaths of your children could be good, it was not good, it was a tragedy. But I will turn that tragedy into a miracle to soften the hard heart of your mother, so that she too will one day enter into my kingdom. Doubt doesn’t mean you don’t love Me, it means you’re human.”

My youngest daughter recently had a dream that served as the inspiration for this story. As my youngest daughter wrote this, she is suffering from a disease that makes her life miserable and has for years and is also has gotten worse. She lives at home with her mother and me and is unable to keep a job and often unable to get out of the house. She often wonders in the middle of the worst times of this disease if it would have been better if she hadn't been born. I am sharing this to let you know this wasn't written by a person who is just sitting behind a desk with perfect health and a well-paid job, it wasn't.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Did Jesus fail? (No)

Did Jesus fail when he appointed Judas an apostle or did he give Judas the opportunity to be something more and Judas chose otherwise? Sometimes we fail, and sometimes we don't fail but situations and people cause unexpected results.  If we were doing the right thing, maybe an unwanted result is not a real failure. Jesus did all the right things. He had all the right motives. He actually had the best in mind for Judas, but Judas chose otherwise. When we examine our lives we need to be willing to take a chance knowing that we can give our best and things not go as we wanted. This isn't a failure, it's life. Isn't it the fact that Jesus had a failure? Maybe not, Jesus offered the right path, but Judas had failed. Jesus had success with all the others. We don't look at Jesus as being a failure because of Judas so why do we give ourselves such a hard time for a failure?

Decide now how you're going to respond to negative comments and criticism because they are going to come. If you're not prepared you'll probably react badly. Choose now to act like Jesus not to take offense and to continue to do the right thing 

Monday, September 11, 2023

A Very Small Chapter

Just for the fun of it. I have decided to place here a new chapter I wrote for a story I thought was mostly finished. It is being dropped in a place where there is a slight drag in the story.  

 Conquest (leader of the renegade gorillas) sat a little ways from the camp keeping watch. His brow furrowed as he listened to the sounds of the forest. The group he had with him was still close enough that Conquest could still hear the sounds of the large birds in the trees not far away waiting till morning to continue feasting on the dead. Other sounds were moving in the direction where they had come from reminding him that these birds weren’t the only creatures who fed on the dead.  

Conquest straightened his back, lifted his head, and whispered “Let them do what they will, soon we will give them even more to feast on. I fear nothing.” His final words had a slight quiver in them. Conquest in spite of his words was afraid.

“Soon everything will be in place.” Conquest paused but looked out into the dark as if inspecting something only he could see. He could see it in his mind everything laid out and prepared. He looked over to where Link slept. “Little spy you don’t even realize you’re sleeping next to one of my newest weapons.” With those last words, Conquest focused on Max.  

A smile crossed Conquest’s face. It wasn’t a happy smile. It was a smile filled with meanness. If Max or Link had seen that smile, they might have run in fear or just shook falling to the ground. “As promised,” Then Conquest's smile became even wider, “I will become Master of the forest.”  

It was at that moment even I the teller of this story had to look away. When I looked back it was as if Conquest’s eyes reached across space and meet mine. I was afraid. How could Conquest see a person writing a story far, far away? I nearly quit writing leaving this tale unfinished but then it happened.

“Not even the Creator can stop me,” Conquest said through gritted teeth.

The spell was broken. Conquest lied and deep down inside he knew it.

Illustration by Don Lee. 

Monday, September 4, 2023

Walking Between The Types (the personality types that is)

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 NLT

Jesus did a lot of intense ministry. However, if you read carefully, you see a pattern of rest. You see him taking time to go to parties, going off alone, and sleeping when others couldn’t. We do have times where the Bible specifically says he prayed all night but other times he went off alone or went off alone with his disciples. Yes, he did the occasional miracle on the Sabbath, but other than that he didn’t break it even by the Pharisees' standards.  I don’t see it as unscriptural to say he took days off and made sure to get a good night’s sleep. Looking at the number of times God commanded rest and feasts, I believe Jesus would not have been called a driven person but neither could he be called a type-B personality either.

So how does that apply to us and this scripture? Jesus lived the yoke he called us to wear. He worked hard, rested well, take time away, and when the time is right have a party. So maybe we should go and do likewise. 

This might not make you laugh, but it should make you smile because you can relax a little.