Sunday, January 26, 2020

Just a story

This is just a story, nothing more... 

“Idiot, Moron” Charles hurried to his study to grab his writing utensils. She was writing again. He wasn’t angry at Elizabeth. In truth, he was thrilled she was writing. He was a writer and he saw in her the ability which would outshine him.
“Tim, you might be the smartest programmer in the world, but you have no imagination.” Charles threw the books, pens, and pencils across his desk. “You might be the savior of mankind but what of its history did you ever think outside…Ah.” The last word came out through clenched teeth.
Charles was nearly sure Tim couldn’t hear him, Part of him wished he did, and part didn’t. He was grateful, but some things made life so much more difficult.
“It isn’t as if I don’t have anything else to do.”
“Elizabeth’s work isn’t finished thankfully. I still have time.”  He just wished he had been paying attention when she had said she was going to write.
“It couldn’t have been a story about an alternate world, could it. It just had to be an alternative history story.” He said threw teeth that were clenched again. “There is still time,” Charles took a deep breath and exhaled loudly, “There’s still time, there is still time.”
Charles pushed a couple of the book aside and took what looked like a leather-bound tomb. He opened it to an empty page and grabbed a pen and started writing.
Elizabeth shared part of her story with her mom and dad. It was a fantastic tale where Ireland was truly a land of magic and magical creatures. It was, of course, absolute fiction. It never ever happened. Though the cities and some of the names were real the story never took place in the real history of mankind. The Roman empire didn’t build a wall to protect gal from the magical creatures of Ireland. There were never giants other than men who called giants because they were naturally taller than others around them. They could never build land bridges from Ireland to England.
There were originally 13 colonies in the New World who did break away from the Old World. Magical enchantments never keep commoners at bay. Though Elizbeth wrote things about a different history they were just made up. They never happened. She just made them up as a great author does. An author worthy of renown.
Charles cringed. He shouldn’t have written that last line. It was done. He was an author. Other stories had written about the power of the author, but they were all wrong. Authors had no powers, no magical abilities to change reality. Even now they didn’t, well… Charles wasn’t going to think about it right now. It gave him a headache. Tim might have had something to do with that, He probably did, Charles thought but he wasn’t sure. He wasn’t going to think about it too much either. Too much danger there.
“Back to writing.” Charles bent back to writing in the tomb.  
Elizabeth wrote more stories about this alternate history but all they were was fiction. Her words were never real. Though her father and mother praised them for being good because they were, they were not true history. Only later would Elizabeth write the true history. It would be then that she would write the truth of things and fiction to cause people to think about life and to just have joy in the moment. It was only after her father told her the true nature of all that her uncle had done did her work change.
It was only after the conversation should her work be considered real. It isn’t real now and wouldn’t be for some time. The End.
Charles dropped the pen as if it was on fire. It bounced off the desk and landed on the floor. He ignored it and closed the tomb. Reaching over he opened another and scanned the pages, then let out a sigh. “Tim, you’re an idiot.”

Monday, January 13, 2020

Still writing

Getting back into the grove of writing on this blog is going to take a little time. There are many things I am doing but I wonder what I should be sharing here. The continuing work in Bible Reflections goes on but this isn't something I write here. This is where I have shared insights I have been having in my life that don't relate to Bible Reflections, so here I go.

I am beginning a new experience by being an instructor for the district of my church. Though I have taught for years this is a new forum. It is a little scary, but I trust it will be good for both me and for those who take the course. There is the chance that no one takes the class but for now, I am not worried about it, I'm going to prepare.

This is where I want to remind myself and anyone reading this, you can do more than you realize if you put yourself on the line. For me, it was volunteering to teach. Yes, I am busy (too busy according to my wife), but for a few weeks of extra work, I can grow and help others grow also. In the end, it will be positive.

So, what are you risking, what are you trying outside of your comfort zone?

Friday, January 10, 2020

The new norm

It has been a few months now since I have finished Bible Reflections' first draft. I find myself adjusting to a new norm. Yes, I still write but not like before. Yes, I still journal but not with the fevered intensity which I had when I finished the first draft. I am getting to a new norm which means getting back to blogging here.

This year I have taken up reading Oswald Chamber's classic MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST. This and going through the Bible Reflections. Both of these disciplines will help me grow in my faith.

I still don't have a new project to write but there are old ones I need to work on and sometimes this is harder for me. I can honestly say I would rather take on writing a blog for every chapter in the Bible than editing my other books. So maybe, I need to take on the harder work. 

In the church I preach at, I pray and work for a spirit of hope. One can be determined and that is something to admire, but hope is the thing that is catchy. Do I expect something big, no and maybe that is wrong? In truth, it wouldn't take much just a couple of really radically changed lives to raise attendance. Confession, my vision has been too small.

Writing this now fills me with the hope for something big. If it doesn't happen will I give up? No, because I know God works on His schedule in the people of the world. I also know I am, this church, is making a difference in the Kingdom of God. This is ultimately more important than the battles of this one church. I, however, do not give us on the church here in Tell City, nor on the people of this town.

I think of the battle at the gate in Lord of the Rings when Aragorn says, "There may be a day when the strength of men will fail.. but that is not today." For we fight as it were not for a hobbit, but for the King of kings. The war is not lost...if we should fall, but that is not today!