Wednesday, February 21, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey Feb. 21

Today's reading is Deuteronomy 33-34 and Joshua 1-4

What catches my attention in chapter 2 of Joshua was the number of spies Joshua sends in. Moses sent in 12 spies one for each of the twelve tribes. Moses actions seem like a very democratic and fair way of doing things, the problem was the majority only saw the problems. Joshua, on the other hand, picks two people and sends them in. There is no committee of tribes picking their favorites, no democratically elected representatives, only Joshua saying, go look at the land.

I want to say that I appreciate democracy and what it brings but I understand that often the majority can’t see the possibilities for something better. In the real world, studies tell us it is when the innovators and early adopters reach a certain level that the majority take up the idea (want more info on this read Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell).  To say it another way, most people are followers or as God calls us sheep.

In our spiritual life, and don’t be miss it God was trying to teach Israel to live spiritually, I can’t help but think that we would do better not following the majority but the minority. A minority of one, Jesus Christ. This doesn’t mean we live the Christian life on our own. The Bible teaches us that we are part of the body of Christ, the church. However, Jesus clearly teaches that the minority will choose to follow him, remember the wide and narrow gates (Matthew 7:13-14).

Joshua had seen what had happened before. This time he wasn’t choosing 12 but chose 2, the same number which brought back a good report the first time. Joshua threw out the democratic method and choose the number which was faithful before. As we see in the book of Joshua, this time the outcome was far different.

I am not saying we should ignore the majority, we should see why they are doing what they are doing. They could be right as enough people have followed the minority into something right. However, often Jesus and his true followers are in the minority. 

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