Monday, February 26, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey- Feb 26 God rarely gives us slack

Today's reading is Joshua 14-18

Here in Joshua 17:14-18, the children of Joseph are complaining they don’t have enough room. However, part of their complaint is in the fact that there is a portion of the territory which they believe can’t be conquered. It is as if they are saying, this is too hard give us something else. Joshua isn’t moved and doesn’t give in to their complaints. He points out there is land for them if they cut down trees and if they actually go into battle against what is a powerful enemy.  

This applies to us because there are times when we may be tempted to go to God and say, “I want more but I want it the easy way.” Yes, God sometimes gives us easy victories but more often He tells us, “You know what you need to do, do it.” God often doesn’t cut us any slack. To say it another way, He wants us to grow up and use what strength He has given us to face the challenges before us even if they seem too much for us.

The problem with the children of Joseph here and with us many times is a lack of faith in God. If you remember God had promised the Children of Israel that he would drive out the inhabitants before them. There wasn’t an “unless they have iron chariots” clause in the promise so they didn’t have an excuse. We don’t either. The question we have to ask ourselves, “Do we really trust God or are we trying to do this ourselves?” 

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