Friday, January 10, 2020

The new norm

It has been a few months now since I have finished Bible Reflections' first draft. I find myself adjusting to a new norm. Yes, I still write but not like before. Yes, I still journal but not with the fevered intensity which I had when I finished the first draft. I am getting to a new norm which means getting back to blogging here.

This year I have taken up reading Oswald Chamber's classic MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST. This and going through the Bible Reflections. Both of these disciplines will help me grow in my faith.

I still don't have a new project to write but there are old ones I need to work on and sometimes this is harder for me. I can honestly say I would rather take on writing a blog for every chapter in the Bible than editing my other books. So maybe, I need to take on the harder work. 

In the church I preach at, I pray and work for a spirit of hope. One can be determined and that is something to admire, but hope is the thing that is catchy. Do I expect something big, no and maybe that is wrong? In truth, it wouldn't take much just a couple of really radically changed lives to raise attendance. Confession, my vision has been too small.

Writing this now fills me with the hope for something big. If it doesn't happen will I give up? No, because I know God works on His schedule in the people of the world. I also know I am, this church, is making a difference in the Kingdom of God. This is ultimately more important than the battles of this one church. I, however, do not give us on the church here in Tell City, nor on the people of this town.

I think of the battle at the gate in Lord of the Rings when Aragorn says, "There may be a day when the strength of men will fail.. but that is not today." For we fight as it were not for a hobbit, but for the King of kings. The war is not lost...if we should fall, but that is not today!

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