Thursday, April 23, 2020

Ministering every day

The great thing about having a blog that very few people read is there are no expectations to perform. This being said, I do want to get back to blogging regularly for my own sake and for those few who get this. This, however, is not why I am writing today. I am writing to celebrate today.

With the Covid-19 shutting everything down it seems less ministry can take place. Yes, there are online service and phone calls but not the Bible studies where I can share the Word. This bothers me most for those who don't understand or have assess to technology. I use to teach or in some way participate in 7-9 services/groups a week. This didn't include other meetings I was involved in. Now, I am doing 2 online services. It seems that the ministry has really cut back.

The truth is something else. Now, with those services online I have the capacity to ministry to more people than I did before. With work that I did in the Bible, Reflections books are still being used, so I am leading personal Bible studies for people. I was told yesterday by someone that though he doesn't write things down, he makes sure and reads the devotional every day. This person doesn't have the access to technology and yet, I'm in a way ministering to him in this crisis.

This is the great gift of books. They can teach when you aren't around. I knew this and thought it was important but it wasn't until yesterday that I really truly knew how important that could be. I might not be CS Lewis, Chuck Swindol, or Max Lucado, but what I have written is helping some in a time when other ministry isn't available.

So why didn't I write this yesterday, right after I got the call? I was working on reviewing the edits on and formating of Bible Reflections 6 both the devotional and journal. A work I can now see could do more ministry than any personal work I could ever do. It seems I am ministering every day.

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