Tuesday, April 28, 2020

And so it begins, again...

Today I'm going to start to rewrite a story that I have picked up and put down multiple times for nearly 25 years. Will I get it right this time? I don't know. I do know the version I had 25 years ago wasn't very good or even 5 years ago. I'm hoping this time will be better at least 90%, which is good enough to publish.

There are times you need to set something aside. The key is to not leave it there forever. The key is also not to quit doing anything else. If I had waited until this story was done, before starting anything else than 10 different books, 27 different versions, of other books would never have been completed not to mention the other 5 which I am also working on. I would never have blogged every chapter in the Bible or started a small group of people journaling the Bible themselves.

This blog isn't about me, it is about any of us who feel we need to set something aside for a time but then either don't pick it back up or don't start anything else. It is a warning, if you wait until everything is perfect then you will never get anything done.

Even God doesn't ask us to get perfect then come to Him. If God doesn't why should we ask it of ourselves?

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