Monday, September 18, 2023

Did Jesus fail? (No)

Did Jesus fail when he appointed Judas an apostle or did he give Judas the opportunity to be something more and Judas chose otherwise? Sometimes we fail, and sometimes we don't fail but situations and people cause unexpected results.  If we were doing the right thing, maybe an unwanted result is not a real failure. Jesus did all the right things. He had all the right motives. He actually had the best in mind for Judas, but Judas chose otherwise. When we examine our lives we need to be willing to take a chance knowing that we can give our best and things not go as we wanted. This isn't a failure, it's life. Isn't it the fact that Jesus had a failure? Maybe not, Jesus offered the right path, but Judas had failed. Jesus had success with all the others. We don't look at Jesus as being a failure because of Judas so why do we give ourselves such a hard time for a failure?

Decide now how you're going to respond to negative comments and criticism because they are going to come. If you're not prepared you'll probably react badly. Choose now to act like Jesus not to take offense and to continue to do the right thing 

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