Monday, November 20, 2023

Bible Reflections

A year ago in December, a group of us ended a four-year journey that covered every chapter of the Bible. It seemed a huge undertaking at the beginning and, at times, it seemed it would never end. However, in truth should a study of the Bible for the Christian ever end? No, but I'm moving away from my point. The point is that as every journey does it comes to an end. After a year of radical change, I'm beginning the journey again with a new group of people. As before I'm excited and now I have added some new details which for some should make the journey easier. At the end of the day, we will be reading, studying, and hopefully writing something down about every chapter of the Bible. 

There are of course books that are available on Amazon and the blog site that will publish every reading on the day it is to be read and a link so that those who want to can listen to the chapter of the Bible that will respond to that reading. As before these materials aren't professionally edited but I hope they will serve as an inspiration for others to really consider what every chapter of the Bible means to them. Yes, some chapters which will be clearer than others and some may only bring questions but those are good too. I'm sure that before I know it the second journey through Bible Reflections will be complete and I trust it will be even more rewarding. 

Consider joining us or find another application to help you grow in the Word. A warning, without the Spirit of God and His love guiding you any study of the Word will lead to pride and that is a dangerous thing. So cover your study with prayer and fill your heart with love as you begin any journey into the Word of God.

God Bless,

Pastor Charles Areson

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