Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Reopening, I just got used to being closed!

I'll be honest and say that the recent "stay at home" order has caused major changes in our lives. It caused me to work harder or at least work harder to learn things I didn't know before or didn't know well before. In the last week, I have begun to get in a routine and things have calmed down to a new normal. I didn't have as much to do as before or maybe I should say I knew how to do things faster. I was ready.

Now, everything has changed again. I have meetings to prepare for meetings. I am in communications with the Health Department, other pastors, the district, and individuals all about what this reopening will loke like for us.

REALLY! I just got us to the new way and now change comes again.

However, we just went through a time of radical readjustment so though I might like a time to relax it isn't going to happen. The good news is we have just been through this, we got this.

Yes, it is a new time of uncertainty but we have shown we can do it.

So, "
once more unto the breach my friends!"

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