Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Did I lay a post around here someplace?

No. To answer the question in the title (There is a personal application at the end).

Getting back into writing a post isn't as easy as I thought it would be. Yes, my posts of Bible Reflections are going out 6 days a week but those are all scheduled. This one isn't. This one has been languishing at the sidelines and now that the Bible Reflections is done getting back into writing here isn't on the front burner.

So what is the problem?

I asked myself that. It isn't like I don't have any thoughts, I have a lot, most I need not put in public but we all have those and many put them out there anyway. My problem is I didn't add this to my calendar.

In the past, with this blog and later with Bible Reflections I had a reminder "Do Blog" every Monday on my calendar. It isn't there and thus I get the idea I'm all caught up when there is something I want to do but not doing.

I stopped between the last paragraph and this one and put it there. Will it help? Yes. It will help me. What about you? What are you wanting to do and always seem to forget? Maybe you need to add it to your calendar, get an accountability partner, put a sticky note on the bathroom mirror, but find something.

We have good intentions but without a good plan, the best of us fail. So what do you need to do? Then do it, now. Putting it off will delay chasing what you want.

Side note: What does this blog do for me? It's not that I have hundreds of people signed up to read it. I keep it to keep me writing and to give me an outlet to express my thoughts. Who knows my kids or grandkids or generations to come might gain some insight or get a laugh. Even it helps no one, the discipline helps me and that is always good.

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