Monday, May 11, 2020

We're living in a golden age!

My daughter wrote a great story called Raven*. As we were discussing it one day she came across a song by Zan Wolf called Golden Age. As we discussed her story, we thought that if ever Raven* would become a musical this song would make a great opener. 

What does this have to do with us today?

Plenty, we are living in a day where we are talking about a vaccine for Covid-19, not in decades like they had to in the past but by the end of the year. While in quarantine many received generous grants from the government and many were able to work from home. We had church in our living rooms. When you were bored you had smartphones, Facebook, online games, and lots of streaming options. And that is just a few of the great benefits we have. 

Is everything perfect? Of course not. But we are too quick many times to focus on the negative rather than rejoice in all we do have. 

We are living in a golden age and though we may not be able to run all over because of the stay at home orders, we can still run all over the world with our computers and phones. We have so many possibilities if we will just look around. 

Perhaps many of us need to shut off the news, block the negative posts, unsubscribe to downers, and see what great blessings we have even in the challenges.

*Raven is a short story in the book Darkly: A Collection of Legends. The book is currently in the editing stage which she is funding from her own funds and a little from a Go Fund Me campaign. If you are interested in helping her go to her page. Thanks.

I feel I would be remiss in not giving a link to Zan Wolf's Golden Age. (It's the words, not the video which fits the story, Raven. Unless you can picture knights in armor on skateboards?)

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