Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Psalm 2

We need to be free! (?)

Years ago I watched a video that I soon after wished I didn't. It showed a group of young people sneaking through a fence onto a beautiful beach. They were playing and having fun, music playing in the background just set a great scene, then the music stopped and the bombs started dropping. The director didn't make it as explicit as it could have been but it was horrible. Once the last young person had been killed the camera pulled back from the beach. You saw the fence with the hole the now-dead people had crawled through. The camera pulled back a little further and there right beside the hole were the warning signs, "Danger, STAY OUT! US NAVY Live Fire Exercised." There was the skull and cross-bones sign. You then realize the people who entered saw the sign and ignored it thinking they would be okay, it was a beautiful beach after all? or not.

The desire of the nations to be free of God caused me to remember this horrible little video. Often people say that we need to be free, but freedom to do what? When the freedom we desire is freedom from God it will eventually not end well. Destruction comes and the end will not be good. The disobedient and rebellious may enjoy freedom for a time but only for a time. This post is too short to go into why God's commands are always good but disobedience to them always leads to a bad end. 

God actually gives us freedom but it is a freedom to serve him and enjoy all that he has and will have for us. Choosing to be free from God is actually slavery to sin (the thing that will destroy us and those around us, Romans 6).

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