Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Exodus 16

"Who are we? You are not grumbling against us, but against the Lord" vs. 8b. Here is a great reminder for those in church leadership (and you're doing the right things), when people grumble it isn't your problem it's God's to solve. Too often people take offense when people grumble/complain about the direction things are going in a church and those in leadership take it personally. However, if the leader follows God's path (double check you are) then the complaint isn't against you. This is God's issue to fix.   

A thing for everyone to remember is that hard times come. You can be in the center of God's will and it may seem you are going to starve or die (like what Israel faced a few chapters before). Some may quote the song and say God "Never promised you a rose garden," or a bed of roses and he didn't. In this life, it may seem he gives us a bed of roses but only when you consider how many thorns are on those roses. In this life there are troubles. The key is when you follow God's way there are a lot of issues you don't have to worry about and when things go wrong God promises to work it out for you (Romans 8:28). So even here it's not our problem, it's God's.

If we sin then that is another issue. If the issues we face are a result of our actions then we can ask for forgiveness and God will help us through this problem we have created. If we don't ask for forgiveness then there may be other issues but we will see that later in the story. 

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