Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Psalm 28

As I write this I am preparing a message on Shepherds/Pastors and what they mean to the body of Christ. However, the hope that we all have is that we can trust in the Great Shepherd, Jesus. Here at the end of this psalm, David prays that God will be a shepherd to His people. So how important is it for God to be a shepherd to Israel? Consider these notes from my message:

PASTOR – Shepherd – guiding caregiver

Shephard makes sure the flock gets what it needs. 

Rachel, Jacob, Zipporah, Moses, and David were all examples of shepherds

In John 21 Jesus is calling Peter back to him but also calling him to be a shepherd to His people. 

Things Pastors should demonstrate:

1. Compassion 

2. Protective

3. Resourceful

4. Persuasive

Shepherds don’t look at sheep as commodities.

Dangers Shepherds face

1. Natural disasters

2. Thieves

3. Other Shepherds 

4. Beasts

5. Armies

Tools of a shepherd

1. Voice (leads them) – John 10:27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

2. Staff – pull the sheep back from danger

3. Rod/sling – To fight threats

Yes, they needed God to be a shepherd to them and so do we. 

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