Saturday, August 31, 2024

Isaiah 31 Combined notes

In Isaiah 31, God is questioning the wisdom of Israel in trusting Egypt in a contest that is ultimately against God. Israel has been in rebellion against God’s ways. Now, God is using the nations around them to punish them. Ultimately it isn’t a physical army they need.

In the natural world, if you are facing an enemy the wise plan is to get an ally more powerful than you and hopefully more powerful than your enemy. However, the problem is Israel is facing armies but their real antagonist is God. Bigger armies can’t protect Israel from God. 

The Egyptians are only men and unlike other enemies, there is no contest. By going to Egypt, the Israelites have actually assured the defeat of the Egyptians. I wonder if Egypt might have lasted longer if they had refused to help the rebellious Israelites? I also wonder if God might not bless some people because they would assist someone whom God is allowing to go through difficulty? 

 Yes, it is good to help others but there are times when we shouldn't. This was one of those times for Egypt. They should not have helped. Were they destined to be conquered? Yes, according to other prophecies, but perhaps it would have been different if they had not joined in alliance with God's rebellious people. 

The lesson for us is that if we are trying to help someone God is trying to correct or judge, we may face that judgment. Listening to God isn't just for when we need help it is also something we should be doing when giving it. There are times when the worst thing you can do is help someone. Especially if you are weak yourself. Your intentions may be noble but if you're offering help you shouldn't then you're going to be hurting. 

To say it another way, a way that has been said before, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

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