Friday, August 2, 2024

Job 26


Job 26 begins Job's final reply to his "comforters." It is his chance to speak again about how he is innocent and how he sees God and His works. One of these works is cutting Rahab into pieces. It may seem confusing for someone with just a little knowledge of the Bible and no access to a Bible commentary. Isn't Rahab a Prostitute in Jericho? Yes, she is but that is not who this is talking about. The Hebrew here can refer to the "Storm" or a "sea monster."  Either way, The powers of the sea are no match for God. The sea was and still is one of the most uncontrollable forces known to man, yet for God it is nothing. God is greater than it all. If this is a monster, I can't help but steal a line from Veggie Tales: "God is bigger than the Boogieman and the monsters on TV," or any monster in the sea.        

Photo by Giga Khurtsilava on Unsplash

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