Sunday, August 11, 2024

Exodus 17

Here is an interesting miracle. Not the water from the stone but the winning of a battle by uplifted hands. We aren't told why God did it this way but it clearly can teach us a lesson.  The lesson is that as the leader you need others to come alongside to help you if you want victory because if you try to carry the burden yourself you will wear out. Moses needed Joshua to lead the men in battle. Moses needed Arron and Hur to hold his hands up. In one sense, the fight wasn't won due to Moses' effort but the effort and perseverance of those around him. It was a lesson that Moses didn't seem to get (see the next chapter).

On a side note, in the New Testament Jesus and later in Acts the Apostles were sent out two by two. In fact, other than when God told Philip to go out to the wilderness (Acts 8), I don't remember any time they were sent out alone. We need others and I hear one preacher put it, "God didn't call us to be lone rangers."

Photo by Lucas Campoi on Unsplash

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