Thursday, August 29, 2024

Job 30


In one of Nassim Taleb's books, he mentioned that people want to hear the positive and mentioned the book, What I Learned Losing A Million Dollars by Jim Paul. He commented that the book was good and should have done better except that people have a propensity to want to hear from lucky winners rather than from experienced losers. I believe he was correct and so does Job. 

However, beyond that Job laments that now evil that he would have tried to stop is now running rampant. He can't stop it now and that is bad. I have to agree. When bad times come to good people the world around them suffers. On the flip side, if the world he lived in depended on him alone to keep things right they were already in trouble. In the less-than-stellar Superman 3 (1983), the world learns that if it depends on Superman to bring world peace then everything can fall apart if something happens to Superman. 

Outside of Jesus being the head, this is why I believe the church isn't set up under the control of just one superstar. Even Catholics have a check and balance as it were for the Pope. God understands we can't depend on just one, we need many. Yes, that does mean things aren't perfect, but the alternative is chaos when "the one" can't fulfill his/her job. 

By the way, this doesn't mean we shouldn't try to do what we can to make things right when it seems we are alone with God. We should, but we should also realize that if others don't take up the burden too then eventually everything will fall apart. 

Photo by Esteban López on Unsplash

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