Thursday, May 10, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey May 10th

Today's reading is Job 30-34

As Job looks over his past when things were going well he made note that those around him listened to him, but now Job in Job 30, he says everything has changed. Job laments that everyone has left and deserted him. It’s hard to argue. Job’s wife told him to curse God and die (not much help there) and his friends continue to tell him he must be a wicked person, though they knew him before and should have known better.

In my commentary on the previous chapter, I quoted Solomon's words "Wealth attracts many friends"(Proverbs 19:4a) and “the rich have many friends.” (Proverbs 14:20b). If you noticed I quoted only part of those verses. I did this so I could reveal the complete verses today. They are “The poor are shunned even by their neighbors, but the rich have many friends” (Proverbs 14:20) and “Wealth attracts many friends, but even the closest friend of the poor person deserts them” (Proverbs 19:4). Ouch!

Very often those that lose their wealth, fame, and power often find themselves without anyone. This is where Job was. It isn’t a pretty place. Often a person will find themselves here because of their own actions, but as we are reminded here in Job, this isn’t always the case.

The one truth we can trust is God knows what is really going on. He can forgive if needed and he will make right thou not always when we want him to or even always in this life.

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