Tuesday, November 6, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey November 6th

Tell City Nazarene Church's Biblical Journey
With Pastor Charles Areson
Today's reading is Act 16-19

Paul defended the Gentile believers rights more than any other apostle that we know of. He made it clear that circumcision does nothing for your salvation. Yet here Paul circumcises Timothy. Paul we know said that he became all things to all men(1 Corinthians 9:22). As brash as he sounded at times in his letters, in person he wasn't. He tried to keep the peace as long as it didn't compromise the message. 
My thought here is about Timothy. Timothy was a young man, but he was a man. Circumcision is very painful for an adult. Yet we see Timothy submitting to Paul's plan. Since we know later Timothy became a pastor, I doubt he was a pushover. He had internal strength and had his own mind. So though this scripture is talking about what Paul did, I don't think it was Paul's decision alone. Here was a young man, who in his desire to work for the kingdom willing did what was not necessary so that he wouldn't offend the Jews. 
How different from a few that come into ministry and say this is who I am. It isn't sinning so if your offended that is your tough luck. 

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