Tuesday, November 20, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey October 20th

Tell City Nazarene Church's Biblical Journey
With Pastor Charles Areson
Today's reading is 1 Corinthians 12-15

"Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant" (12:1).  Yet, how much ignorance, division, and strife have taken place here because of this chapter is huge. 

Considering what Paul taught about the weaker brother, I would suggest that though we may disagree at the interpretation of this passage if we are looking to serve God and trying to do his purpose that we need to err on the side of grace. Those that practice these gifts (as they see them) aren't trying to serve the Devil and those who believe the times for the gifts have passed aren't denying God's power or the Scriptures. Do people who interpret these in some ways abuse them (the proven false healer who ties healings to money for example)? This does not mean everyone who sees them differently are bad people. 

We are one body. We are not the same. Also, God can use people who aren't as mature, as educated, or who have some things completely wrong to do his work. The disciples originally completely misunderstood Jesus purpose, yet Jesus sent them out to teach before his crucifixion. 

Does this mean we shouldn't teach truth as important? No, we should, but maybe we shouldn't make our brothers our enemies. We may not feel right about letting them teach in our churches or have leadership, but we can love them in Christ and send them where they can fit. 

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