Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Acts 12

I talked to my daughter about how funny it was that God did this great miracle with Peter and now he stands at the door knocking waiting for his friends to acknowledge that the miracle took place. Yet she pointed out that that is the same with Jesus. God did this great miracle with Jesus giving the sacrifice for sin and raising Jesus from the dead and now he stands at the door of our heart knocking asking us to come in (Rev. 3:20).  

On another note, Why save Peter and not James? I have heard people argue about this. Often it settled on the fact that the church was praying for Peter and they didn't have time to pray for James. This, to me, puts too much power outside of God and too much in people either because they acted quickly to kill or had time to pray. Personally, I think it has to do with what God has planned. Could prayer have an impact? Yes, but we have to be careful not to believe that God is waiting on us before he does anything. This makes us god and God is just a delivery boy.  

Photo by Calum Flanagan on Unsplash

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