Thursday, September 12, 2024

Job 32

It has been said that a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. If a person truly doesn't see your point then it doesn't matter. Even if they say otherwise just to go along they aren't changed. Job hasn't been convinced though. Job is convinced of his own righteousness, that something must be wrong. 

I see two things here. First, a person, right or wrong, that believes fully they are correct can not be reasoned with.  If they are in the right that is a good thing, however, the danger that comes with most is that they aren't always right but refuse to accept they can be wrong. This goes with what Jesus said in ... That it is the sick that need a physician. Not that the Pharisees were well, no they were spiritually sick as well. The problem was they weren't willing to see it. We need to look carefully before saying, "I can't be wrong." 

A note here: A willingness to admit that you might be wrong is often considered by some that you are. Don't be that person. 

Second, thou poetic the summation of Job this far reminds me of some FaceBook post arguments. Neither is willing to admit the other is wrong and often just accusations are made. In the end, both sides are unchanged and whatever friendship might have been there is gone. Another reminder to be careful when trying to bring correction. Sometimes the wisest action is silence. 

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

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