Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Psalm 30

Verse 5 speaks of God's anger lasting for a moment and his favor lasting a lifetime. This speaks that God's anger is not his most outstanding attribute but just a passing thing. God's lasting desire is to show favor and goodness. Coupled (matched with this) is the truth that though weeping does come but it is soon replaced by rejoicing. This is so much more true when one has God on their side. David speaks about how when he thought he was secure God for a time removed his protection (hid His face) and in that time David was humbled and was reminded that it was God he needed to call out to. God responded with this time of weeping with a more greater time of rejoicing. For us also we have the promise of Romans 8:28 that God will turn all things to good for those who trust Him. Remembering Romans and this passage we can also say, that weeping may come for a time but God will make us rejoice by His great hand. 

Dear Father,

We know that there are times in our lives when it seems you have hidden your face. It appears that you are angry with us and God we admit that often we deserve your anger. However, we rejoice that though you may be angry for a time you want to show mercy. God, you want to bring us your favor. Bring to our minds and hearts that though we may see periods of distress, they will pass. Convict us when we are the cause of our heartbeats and show us the mercy that you provided through Jesus Christ. Today we thank you for your conviction, your mercy, and your promises to us when we call upon you.

In Jesus Name, Amen

Photo by Zwaddi on Unsplash

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