Friday, September 6, 2024

Isaiah 36


There are two things that the commander of the Assyrians is incorrect about. First, he assumes that since Hezekiah removed the false places of worship this was going to make God angry. It isn't. God commanded that those places never be built and throughout the history of Israel and Judah God commanded them destroyed. The Assyrians didn't understand the worship of God. It is like today when someone tries to do what is right according to Scripture but someone accuses them of not "showing God's love," "Not judging," or other modern interpretation of what the world thinks the church ought to do. Hezikaih ignored it and so should we. The second is that God has promised to give Assyria victory. This could be an outright lie or it could be that they had heard the prophecy of Isaiah (chapter 7) and took it to mean more than it did. If it's the second then this is also something we see today, people take scriptures and interpret them according to what serves them best. 

The lesson for us is not to make the same mistakes as Assyria did. It didn't end well for them and it won't for us either.

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

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