Sunday, September 8, 2024




Luke 1:13 "But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, because your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to give him the name John."  With these words a miracle took place and the one who would be known as John the Baptist was born. John was special and called to a special purpose however, does that mean that the rest of us aren't special? No we all have a place where God wants to use us in His plans. We are all people of great worth that Jesus died for. We are all equally loved by God. Yes, John had a special place in time but so did a lot of others who we are never introduced to in the Bible or in history. 

There are people whom God had given special miracles to that God has called to do great things and there are people who God performed a miracle on and we see nothing obvious as a result. So what is the correct result to being given a miracle or as some may say being a miracle? First, unless there comes a call from God with it (there rarely is in the Bible or now) then all God wants from you is to live faithfully for him, which I may add is what God wants from all of us. 

There is a mindset in the world that if you have been given a miracle then God has to be calling you to do something hard, difficult, or challenging. Sometimes that is the case, I believe Isaiah's vision in chapter 6 of his book isn't his call to ministry he was already in ministry but it was a gift to help him in the challenges he was going to face and a picture of God to us. However, there were a multitude of miracles given to people as I mentioned earlier who after didn't do anything of note in the Scriptures. Miracles aren't a quid pro quo. God gives you this now you have to do something to deserve it. Miracles are just an example of God's grace and love for those he loves. Perhaps were should let them be that and not expect more of others or ourselves. 

Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

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