Monday, September 2, 2024

Exodus 24

Okay guys, Keep everyone in line while I'm gone. 

 "He said to the elders, “Wait here for us until we come back to you. Aaron and Hur are with you, and anyone involved in a dispute can go to them'” (verse 14).

Here we see a name that isn't mentioned a lot in the Scriptures, Hur. We see Hur back in chapter 17 holding up the hands of Moses with Aaron until the victory is complete over the Malikites. Later Hur's grandson will be the head artisan in the designing and building of the Tabernacle. Beyond that, there is little to be known about him. He is absent in the story of the golden calf so either he wasn't directly involved, or that wasn't his responsibility. He may have disagreed, but the Scriptures don't speak to this. Some think that Arron may have been the ecclesiastical authority (religious) and Hur the civil authority but Aaron isn't appointed high priest until later so this is just speculation. Hur was by all indications a man that was trusted and respected. He was a man God could use. Though he was a leader we don't see him striving to get more. We see a man willing to hold up the hands of those God was using and willing to do the job given to him. May it be said the same for us. 

What we do see is that Moses left the Children of Israel with leaders, Arron, Hur, and the seventy elders, to keep them until he returned. All of these had just had dinner with God, after physically hearing the Ten Commandments, so one would think they were as ready as they could be for Moses to be gone. Maybe not.

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