Thursday, September 5, 2024

Job 31

 The question we may need to ask here is are the words of Job in this chapter words that we can say? Not the question of why God is allowing bad things but are we living as Job did? Are we living a righteous life, especially now that we have committed to follow Christ? 

Do we look at others lustfully?

Do we lie?

Do we covet?

Do I commit sexual sins?

Do I cheat/shortchange my employees?

Do I see others as equals?

Do I ignore the needs of the poor?

Do I display selfishness?

Do I take advantage of the less fortunate?

Do I trust in my wealth?

Do I show froth greed?

Do I take bribes?

Do I rejoice when my enemy falls?

Do I curse others?

Do I help the homeless and the foreigners?

Do I hide my sins?

Do I fear the crowd/world?

Am I willing to accept the consequences of my actions?

Job answered these questions honestly are you willing to?

Photo by Simone Secci on Unsplash

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