Thursday, September 26, 2024

Job 34


As Elihu sees it Job doesn't believe that following God has brought any profit. If profit means that life is always easy and there is never any suffering then no one in the Bible has ever seen any profit, except maybe Adam and Eve before the fall. Since the fall, following God has required surrender, work, and sacrifice. We see it in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament Jesus repeatedly says following will be hard bringing persecution and sacrifice. Where is the profit in this? The answer is first now in that our sins are forgiven and our lives can be made free. The final profit is found in eternity. However, if profit means doing your own thing and being a slave to sin then following God won't bring you what you want. If you want something of greater worth then following Jesus brings the greatest profit the world can know. 

Photo by rupixen on Unsplash

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