Thursday, September 19, 2024

Job 33

Elihu explains that God is just and that He speaks in ways that we may not always see. Elihu says that God speaks to people differently and will sometimes speak by sending trouble, not to condemn but to save someone. This is clearly a different picture of God than we have seen in Job's other "comforters." Elihu is trying to say God wants to save people.

Furthermore, in all the years I have read Job I have never before noticed. This one little comment that really separates Elihu from the rest of Job's friends is, "If you have anything to say, answer me; speak up, for I want to vindicate you." Unlike Job's other friends who just want to condemn him, Elihu wants to defend Job. He wants to help. Elihu is on Job's side. Yes, he may not be saying Job is just as good as he says he is, but he honestly wants to defend him. What a difference. 

Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash 

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