Monday, September 23, 2024

Exodus 29


The first step in preparing the priests for service was for them to be washed. This symbolizes the cleansing from sin and is seen in many religions. Washing becomes an important part of the Law and is often the first step for someone to become ceremonial clean so they can enter the presence of God. This is a picture that for us to come before God our sins need to be washed away. In the New Testament, the act of baptism is adopted to follow in this practice as an act of obedience and as a sign of the work that Jesus does in the lives of those who surrender to Him. 

The act of cleansing takes place before the priest puts on the robes of service. This is a reminder even today that one should never be ordained into ministry unless they have been cleansed from their sins by Christ the water of life. 

Another thing to note is that the same sacrifice that is offered for them is what is given to them for nourishment. An interesting symbol is that Jesus' sacrifice doesn't only give us forgiveness but also gives us the strength to live the life He has called us to live. 

Photo by Lumin on Unsplash

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