Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Psalm 29


The Scripture ends with the promise that God will bless his people with peace/shalom. According to Strong's Exhaustive Commentary, the Hebrew word used here means "completeness, soundness, welfare, peace." In a Psalm proclaiming the strength of God's voice, it ends with a promise of tenderness for His people. The picture I get is of a strong man coming home and sitting on the floor playing with his children. Our God is not just powerful but caring and one who wants us to have peace and wholeness. 

I am reminded of a comic book reference my daughter has told me about, "If can't see your Batman comforting a small child then your Batman is really the Punisher in a funny hat." I will change it for our conversation to this if your god doesn't bring comfort, forgiveness, and wholeness to those who need it, you don't have the God of the Bible you have a pagan deity with a funny hat. Our God brings shalom. 

Photo by Matthew L on Unsplash

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